13 Desember 2008

Desember Ceria

On your birthday may you get all you wish for and more.....

06 Desember 2008

The Spinning Green Skyscraper By David Fisher

Many believe that if you can think it and picture it in your mind, you can build it. Italian architect David Fisher is employing that philosophy with his plan for the world’s first moving skyscraper. Although Fisher hasn’t ever built a skyscraper, and there’re some discrepancies with his professional background, he’s pressing on with his swirling skyscraper. (video after the jump)
It’s the “first building that is dynamic,” Fisher said in June of the 80-story skyscraper that’s slated to have revolving floors that can be rearranged any time. This way, it will be able to constantly provide a different view of the Persian Gulf and its changeable skyline.Set for construction at an undisclosed location in Dubai this fall, the building will be entirely self-powered and will function like a generator with turbines installed between each floor to utilize the wind that all too often works against traditional skyscrapers.
As far as construction goes, Fisher has said that its parts will be prefabbed in an Italian factory and then shipped to the site, which should breaks its construction cost to approximately $700 million. The finished product will go for $3,000 sq/ft and range from $1 million to nearly $39 million. The perks of owning a penthouse? Lifts will allow you to park your car right inside your digs.

21 Oktober 2008

The Atlantis Hotel in Dubai

CLIENT Kerzner Istithmar Limited
CHALLENGE The design challenge was to create an Atlantian themed resort destination on the man-made Palm Island in Dubai. The client’s goal was to extend the Atlantis brand and concept to cater to both hotel guests and all visitors to Dubai.
SOLUTION Situated at the center of the crescent of the Palm Jumeirah, the water theme park serves as the centerpiece of the resort which includes a luxury hotel, spa, retail entertainment village, and distinctive archeological marine exhibits. The design was based on the myth of Atlantis and maintains the iconic design elements of the Paradise Island property, while incorporating traditional Arabic design themes.
SIZE 120 acres 60-acre water theme park 1,500 guestrooms in 22-story hotel tower (Royal Towers)
AMENITIES Eight destination restaurants; nightclub; water park; The Dig, featuring an excavation of the ruins of Atlantis in one of the world’s largest salt water aquariums; retail entertainment village; spa; conference center; panoramic ocean views throughout the property
SCOPE/STATUS New Build / In Progress
OPERATOR Kerzner International Limited
ASSOCIATE ARCHITECT Archavision International, Olio Inc., Wilson Associates

20 Oktober 2008



Telah meningal dunia dengan tenang Senin pagi ini tanggal 20 Oktober 2008Ayahnda dari teman kita BAKTI SETIAWAN (BOBBY).

Pemakaman akan dilaksanakan hari ini tanggal 20 Oktober 2008 jam 14.00 dari rumah duka Yogyakarta.

hp Bobby: 0811253220

Demikian berita lelayu

29 September 2008


Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Blog ARSITEK UGM 1978 Mengucapkan :

“ Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1429 H “

Taqobballallaahu Minnaa Wa Minkum. Minal 'Aidzin Wal Faidzin.

Mohon Maaf Lahir & Bathin Atas Segala Kekhilafan & Dosa yang Telah dilakukanAtas Segala Ucapan & Perbuatan yang Tidak Berkenan

Semoga Amal Ibadah yang telah kita lakukan di Bulan Ramadhan Mendapat Ridho dan Balasan yang setimpal dari ALLAH SWT Aminn…Yaa Robbal Alamin…

Wassalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

09 September 2008

Bersama maestro Sapto Hoedoyo

Lelaki yang masih berdarah keraton ini bisa disejajarkan namanya dengan seniman antara lain Affandi, Amir Yahya, Nyoman Gunarsa, bahkan Basuki Abdullah. Pelukis yang dikenal dengan lukisan ala seniman Yogyakarta yang kuat dengan lukisan dekoratifnya ini antara lain mengangkat motif batik kontemporer – tak beda dengan Bagong Kusudiarjo. Sapto pernah menjadi suami dari Kartika Affandi – putri Affandi yang juga seorang pelukis—sebelum mereka bercerai dan akhirnya menikahi Mulyaningsih (akrab disapa Yani).
Pelukis yang mendirikan Galeri Sapto Hudoyo di Yogyakarta ini memang cukup akrab di publik. Seniman yang pada hari tuanya hanya ditemani oleh Yani, istri yang setia mendampinginya selama ini, dikenal kuat dalam mewariskan budaya seni rupa khususnya di Yogyakarta.Yani, yang bahkan mengakui namanya tak bisa dipisahkan dari Sapto Hudoyo ini, pernah mengatakan bahwa dia kerap harus menyesuaikan diri dengan suaminya yang dekat dengan ”Jawa Surakartanan” yang berbeda dengan gayanya, wanita Jawa Banyumasan yang suka blak-blakan dan apa adanya. Di dunia seni rupa, Sapto pada era 1971-1972 merupakan pelopor dalam kerajinan tradisional Kasongan sehingga akhirnya kerajinan itu mengalami kemajuan yang cukup pesat. Sapto membuat para perajin memodifikasi desain kerajinan gerabah sehingga dinamis dan tidak monoton dan memberikan hasil seni yang semakin tinggi. Gerabah yang dimunculkan bermotif dan berornamen berbagai macam binatang dan bunga. Atas perannya itu, tahun 1996, Sapto Hudoyo Hudoyo menerima Upakarti dari Presiden Soeharto atas jerih payahnya dalam membina perajin di Kampung Kasongan.

05 September 2008

Arab World Institute Architecture Building

This is Arab World Institute building. Inspiring architecture, isn’t it? This building has function as museum, library, and also culture centre. Jean Nouvel designed the whole of the museum, including the showcases, seating, and display furniture.

This institute building constructed from 1981 to 1987 with a floor space of 181,850 square feet. The institute its self was established during 1980 in Paris, when 18 Arab countries concluded an agreement with France to establish the Institute to disseminate information about the Arab world and set in motion detailed research to cover Arabic and the Arab world’s cultural and spiritual values. The Arab world and its civilization and values, its past and its future, needs to be better known and understood in the West.

Although for Arab center, this building is not design in Arab Architecture, it is modern architecture. Certain symbolic items, like the “moucharabiehs” whose polygons of varying shapes and sizes create a geometric effect recalling the Alhambra.

03 September 2008


Telah meningal dunia dengan tenang Selasa 2 September 2008, jam 16.00 WIB
Ibunda dari sobat kita HARYO WINARSO (Sentot) di RSUP Dr Sarjito Yk
Pemakaman tanggal 3 September 2008 jam 10.00 dari rumah duka Bulaksumur D7 Yogyakarta.
hp sentot: 08122008359
demikian berita lelayu


30 Agustus 2008


Pak Nindyo koq awet enom yo.... sing lungguh ngisor rambute putih ketoke wis pantes nek dadi rektor...


Foto ini kalo gak salah.. diambil waktu kita jalan-jalan ke Bali terus berhenti sejenak untuk ambil gambar di hutan pinus... yah biasa lah kelakuan kita isih seneng jorog-jorogan lan uyel-uyelan bongsone moko, rodi, andi, agus ..... paling aman yo mburi dewe si sentot karo markos...

29 Agustus 2008

Alumni Arsitektur UGM Angkatan 1978

Halo rekan-rekan seangkatan,
Semoga kita semua dalam keadaan sehat dan sukses dalam berkarya.